Accessory Dwelling Units and Lot Splits

Unlocking the Door to California’s Housing Opportunities with SB-9 and SB-10

Discover the latest legislation reshaping California’s real estate landscape and empowering homeowners like never before. With Senate Bill 9 (SB-9) and Senate Bill 10 (SB-10), Governor Newsom has paved the way for increased housing production, streamlined permitting processes, and amplified density in our vibrant communities. As your trusted real estate resource, we’re here to guide you through these groundbreaking changes and help you seize the opportunities they present.

California Senate Bill 9 (SB-9): Opening Doors to More Efficient Housing

SB-9, also known as the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act, took effect on January 1, 2022, ushering in a new era of housing accessibility. Under SB-9, local jurisdictions such as Sacramento County are mandated to ministerially approve two types of projects, provided they meet specific objective criteria:

  1. Urban Lot Split: Transform one lot into two in a single-family residential zone, fostering increased housing density while maintaining the fabric of our communities.
  2. Second Dwelling Unit (ADU): Add a second dwelling unit to a single-family residential zone, offering flexible living options and maximizing land utilization.

What Does “Ministerial” Approval Mean?

“Ministerial” approval signifies that projects meeting objective standards must be greenlit without subjective judgment, bypassing environmental reviews and public hearings. This streamlined process expedites housing development, empowering homeowners and builders alike.

For comprehensive information on SB-9 eligibility and application requirements, explore our SB-9 Fact Sheet & Interim Implementation Guidance document. Ready to embark on your housing journey? Download the SB-9 Urban Lot Split Application from our PER Application Forms webpage and start transforming possibilities into reality.

California Senate Bill 10 (SB-10): Shaping Tomorrow’s Communities Today

SB-10 grants local agencies the authority, until 2029, to zone parcels for up to 10 units of residential density in transit-rich areas or urban infill sites. By leveraging SB-10, communities can enhance urban infill development and capitalize on transit accessibility, fostering sustainable growth and vibrant neighborhoods.

What’s Next for SB-10 in Sacramento County?

County staff, propelled by the Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant, are committed to enhancing urban infill development, with SB-10 playing a pivotal role in this endeavor. While a timeframe for consideration is pending, stay tuned for updates on how SB-10 will shape the future of Sacramento County.

Unlock Your Housing Potential Today

Embrace the opportunities presented by SB-9 and SB-10, and embark on a journey to redefine homeownership in California. Whether you’re a homeowner, prospective buyer, or real estate enthusiast, our team is here to empower you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about how SB-9 and SB-10 can unlock your housing potential and transform dreams into reality. Welcome to a new era of California real estate—where opportunities abound and communities thrive.